Features FoodState Vitamin C and FoodState Farm Fresh Fruit Phenolic Blend with immune supporting botanicals.

- Blueberries
- Cranberries
- Uncle Matt’s Organic Whole Oranges
- Nourish immune system naturally
- Fuel a healthy response to stress
- Delivers a range of polyphenolic compound
(power immune fighter cells and body defenses)
Made exclusively with wholesome FoodState nutrients, phytonutrient packed super foods and botanicals, each carefully selected for their exceptional nutritive and body-protective attributes.
No added sugars, sweeteners, flavorings, preservatives or food coloring - so you can enjoy the benefits without compromise.
Each serving is bursting with foods such as farm fresh beets, oranges and berries, together with pungent and earthy botanicals. This means it may intensify the natural flavor of any beverage you add it to.
Although people may choose to mix only in water, this product was designed with no flavorings or sweeteners to balance or “alter” the pungent, tart and bitter natural flavors of the aromatic herbs and food inclusions.